Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Ahhh, it's that time of year again. That time when the weather turns warmer, the college admissions process is behind you and that brutal plague of senioritis is sweeping across the nation.

The Dangers of Senioritis- Most commonly found among second semester seniors. Typical symptoms look like a complete lack of motivation, procrastination, laziness, truancy and an indifferent attitude towards anything school related.

Side Effects of Senioritis- Side effects can be most dangerous when a student assumes that after the acceptance letter they are all set! In reality college acceptances are contingent upon completion of your senior year. Colleges have the right, and will exercise their right to rescind the acceptance if they feel as though the student you are second semester is not consistent with the student they already admitted. Another unfortunate alternative is the loss of financial aid a school has offered with their acceptance.

How to Cure Senioritis- How can you avoid this nasty plague? While researchers have been unable to find a cure, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk of contracting senioritis.
  • Stay organized with course work and college paperwork. The longer you let things go, the more likely you are to feel overwhelmed and avoid things all together.
  • Concentrate on an activity that makes you happy such as a sport, club or job- anything that will help keep you motivated.
  • See if your school offers internship opportunities for credits. Field experience may be more stimulating than sitting in a classroom for you.
  • Enroll in a class at a local community college. A new perspective may refresh your attitude towards school.

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