Repaying your student loan is a great way to build good credit. Even though many student loans are deferred until after you graduate, it's a good idea to plan ahead.
Tips for successfully repaying student loans:
Keep your student loan documents together in a safe place so that you'll be able to find them when you need them. This includes promissory notes, cancelled checks, notices of disbursement, letters, and other communications about your loan(s).
Students: Set aside a little money each week to make sure that you will have enough to be able to begin your payments when your grace period is over. Saving as little as $10 every week while you're in college will turn into $2,000 when you graduate! And if you find a great job immediately, you'll have a ready-made emergency fund.
Paying back your student loans on time is important! You can use student loan debt to your advantage by creating a good credit history. When you're ready to borrow in the future, other banks and lenders will see that you are a good risk for a loan.
Whenever possible, use online banking or ACH automatic debits to ensure that payments are made on time.
Make sure that you keep your lender informed about changes - your address, your legal name, school enrollment, transfers to a different school, graduation.
Read your student loan promissory note and Truth-In-Lending disclosure statement. They may not read like bestsellers, but you'll be ahead of the game if you know the terms of your loan. If you need help understanding some of the information on these documents, please contact us for assistance.
Do everything you can to avoid default on your student loans. It can be frightening and upsetting to have financial difficulties that make it difficult to meet your loan payments. If you think you can’t make a loan payment, talk with your lender as soon as possible about your options. Default can lead to any of the following:
Your student loans can be turned over to collection agencies and you can be sued for the entire loan amount.
You'll still owe the full amount borrowed, and you can even be charged with collection and court costs.
Your wages can be garnished. This means that a portion of your paycheck will be automatically diverted toward loan repayment.
You will cause damage to your credit rating and have difficulty borrowing money in the future for things like mortgages, car loans, and graduate education loans.
You may be unable to renew professional licenses.
You'll be ineligible for federal financial aid (for yourself or your kids someday), deferments, and federal interest benefits.
This article was found on our friends over at MEFA's (Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority) website
GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) at Worcester East Middle School and North High School has been helping students set high educational goals for themselves and realize their college potential for over a decade. Students participate in classroom workshops, campus field trips, 1:1 admissions and financial aid counseling. Please check back often for program updates.
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